110106-everittSMMT-461The chief executive of the SMMT, the UK motor industry body, backs the introduction of electric car grants

The chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) Paul Everitt says the switch to low-CO2 vehicles presents a 'great opportunity' for Britain's motor industry.

"The Plug-In Car Grant [which came into force on January 1] will support the delivery of practical, low carbon vehicles and we will see further progress of new and conventional technologies in the years ahead," he said.

"The incentive, coupled with the charging infrastructure programme, Plugged-In Places, is helping to develop a co-ordinated and comprehensive approach to creating vital consumer demand."


110106-KiaPicanto-461Kia's new generation Picanto will offer a wider range of body styles and four new engines.

110106-pylon-460A UK electrical contractors' body welcomes electric vehicle grants, but calls for investment in the National Grid

Formula 1 might have turned its back on hybrids - for the moment, at least - but the technology is still alive and well, and it returns to racing in 2010 in Porsche's 911 GT3 R Hybrid.